Practical Information

Here are some practical tips for those traveling with a caravan or motorhome.

Customs & Road Fees
Customs Stations
Toll Roads
Pricing Structure
Payment Systems

General Traffic Rules
Speed Limits
Blood Alcohol Limits
Mandatory Documents
Mandatory Vehicle Equipment
Studded Tires

Road System
Speed Limits
Motorway Tolls

Parking Rules
Overnight Stay Rules

Speeding Violations
Other Common Offenses
Payment of Fines
Appeals and Penalties

Health and Accident Insurance
Liability Insurance
Travel Insurance for Specific Activities

Customs duties and road tolls

01Customs stations

<<< here>>> find a list of contact details for customs stations along the main roads and border crossings

02Border crossings

<<< here >>> you can find the current status of border crossings between neighboring countries outside the EU

03 Toll roads

<<< here you can >>> find a list of roads and highways that are tolled for motorhomes and caravans (select "Show tolled roads"). Tolls on these roads apply only to vehicles with a total weight of 3.5 tons or more.

04Pricing structure

<<< here >>> you can find current information on how road tolls are calculated (e.g., depending on vehicle type, weight, number of axles

To calculate the cost depending on road type, vehicle type, weight, etc., visit ”calculator”

05Payment system

Information on how to pay road tolls, including details about the e-vignette system and where to purchase them (e.g., online, at the borders, gas stations).

>>> ONLINE and via APP<<<

>>> OBU* and ESL*-verktyg <<< (on the website, you can find the complete list of operators throughout Poland where you can obtain the tool. In the specification at the bottom of the website, there is detailed information about the type of tool)

* OBU (On Board Unit) and ELS (External Localization System)

Driving rules and safety

01Speed limits

Specific speed limits for motorhomes and caravans with a total weight exceeding 3.5 tons on highways, country roads, and in cities.

In cities: 50 km/h.

On country roads: 70-80 km/h.

On highways: 80 km/h.

02Blood alcohol limits

The allowed blood alcohol limit for drivers is 0.02%.


The use of headlights is mandatory at all times.

04Mandatory documents

Valid ID or passport (with a valid visa for non-EU citizens)
Valid driver's license (international driver's license recommended) Original vehicle registration certificate
Insurance (Green Card recommended as proof of valid motor insurance)

05Mandatory car equipment

All vehicles must be equipped with an easily accessible fire extinguisher, warning triangle, and spare bulbs. A reflective vest is mandatory to have and use in emergencies outside the vehicle. Additionally, a first aid kit should be in the car. It's also advisable to have the phone number of the towing service.

06Studded tires

Studded tires are prohibited in Poland. If you are stopped by Polish police, you risk having to remove the studs on the spot or obtain stud-free tires. Additionally, you will be fined. It does not help to say that you are on your way to a country where studded tires are allowed.

Winter tires are not mandatory.


The road system

Poland's highways (Autostrady) are marked with the letter "A" followed by a number, for example, A1, A2, A4.

Expressways (Drogi Ekspresowe) are marked with the letter "S" followed by a number, for example, S3, S8.

Speed limits

For motorhomes and caravans under 3.5 tons:
On highways: 140 km/h
On expressways: 120 km/h

For motorhomes and caravans over 3.5 tons, lower speed limits generally apply. (See details in the section on: Driving Rules and Safety)

Highway tolls

Some highways in Poland are tolled. There are two main ways to pay the tolls.

  • Manual toll booths at highway entrances:
    Here you pay with cash or card.

  • Electronic payment systems::
    Vehicles under 3.5 tons can use a mobile application Autopay

    Download the app from:
    App Store
    Google Play

    eTOLL is the electronic toll system for vehicles over 3.5 tons >>> read more <<<


The tolls vary depending on the highway and the vehicle category (car, motorhome, caravan, etc.). They can range from a few zlotys to several dozen zlotys for longer distances.


In Poland, there are several highways that are subject to tolls.

Here is an overview of the main highways:

A2Toll Highway A2
(Konin – Świecko)

The highway between Konin and Świecko, managed by Autostrada Wielkopolska, will unfortunately not be toll-free in 2024. Drivers will have to account for tolls, which can be particularly significant given the cost of driving this route.

A4 Toll Highway A4
(Katowice – Kraków)

The stretch between Katowice and Kraków, managed by Stalexport, will not receive any toll reductions in 2024. The government's decision not to abolish the tolls means that drivers will still have to pay to use this road.

A2 Free Highway A2
(Stryków – Konin)

On the 100-kilometer stretch between Stryków and Konin, free passage continues for vehicles up to 3.5 tons. The e-TOLL system still applies, but light vehicles do not need to undergo any additional formalities to receive this benefit.

A4Free Highway A4
(Wrocław – Sośnica)

On the 162-kilometer stretch between Wrocław and Sośnica, managed by GDDKiA, no tolls will be charged for passenger cars and vehicle combinations up to 3.5 tons. The e-TOLL system registers entry on this stretch.

A1Free Highway A1
(Rusocin – Toruń)

The government has confirmed that the stretch between Rusocin and Toruń remains free for two-axle vehicles up to 3.5 tons and motorcycles. Despite the maintained free passage, drivers must still obtain a ticket or authorize entry via a visual system, which generates a so-called zero ticket that is not charged by the operator AmberGO. The e-TOLL system still applies.

Additional information

The latest information about the traffic situation on these highways can be found here:




4. Specific rules for caravans and motorhomes

General rules

Official campsites

There are approximately 250 campsites in Poland, of which about half are certified and meet specific standards. These campsites typically offer 24-hour reception, security surveillance, sanitary facilities, and sometimes even recreational activities such as fishing and water sports.

Wild camping

Wild camping is not prohibited in Poland. Under certain circumstances, you can spend the night in your motorhome or caravan in public places as long as there are no specific prohibitions against it. It is forbidden to wild camp on beaches, in forests, and rural areas, as long as the land is not private property and there are no signs prohibiting camping.

It is always best to use official campsites or designated areas to avoid fines and problems with the locals.

Private land

It is allowed to park and spend the night on private land with the owner's permission!

Parking rules

Urban areas

In many cities, it is allowed to park motorhomes and caravans in regular parking spaces, provided the vehicle fits within the marked lines and there are no specific signs prohibiting the parking of such vehicles.

Parking signs

It is important to follow local traffic signs that may indicate restrictions for parking motorhomes and caravans, such as prohibitions against overnight parking or restrictions for vehicles over a certain length or weight.

Private parking areas

Parking on private land requires permission from the landowner. It is illegal to park on private property without permission, and this can lead to fines or the vehicle being towed.

Restrictions on maximum parking periods

n some public parking areas, there may be restrictions on how long a motorhome or caravan can be parked. This can vary from a few hours to several days depending on local regulations.

Weight restrictions

Some parking spaces have restrictions for vehicles over a certain weight, which can affect larger motorhomes and caravans.

Overnight parking

In some areas, overnight parking is prohibited or restricted to specific times or places. It is important to check local regulations for overnight parking.

Overnight stay regulations

Rest areas and highways

Along highways, there are special rest areas where overnight stays may be allowed. However, it's important to check local regulations as they can vary depending on the region.

Cities and residential areas

In many cities, it is prohibited to overnight in a motorhome on streets or public parking areas. Some cities may have specific areas where overnight parking is allowed, so it's important to check signs and local regulations.


To avoid problems and ensure a comfortable trip, it is recommended to use apps and websites that help find legal parking and overnight spots. Feel free to browse carefully through - we provide you with updated information.

Fines and penalties

Speeding violations

  • Up to 10 km/h over the limit: 50 PLN and 1 penalty point
  • 11-15 km/h over: 100 PLN and 2 penalty points
  • 16-20 km/h over: 200 PLN and 3 penalty points
  • 21-25 km/h over: 300 PLN and 5 penalty points
  • 26-30 km/h over: 400 PLN and 7 penalty points
  • 31-40 km/h over: 800 PLN (1600 PLN for repeat offenses) and 9 penalty points
  • 41-50 km/h over: 1000 PLN (2000 PLN for repeat offenses) and 11 penalty points
  • 51-60 km/h over: 1500 PLN (3000 PLN for repeat offenses) and 13 penalty points
  • 61-70 km/h over: 2000 PLN (4000 PLN for repeat offenses) and 14 penalty points
  • 71 km/h or more over: 2500 PLN (5000 PLN for repeat offenses) and 15 penalty points.
Other common offenses

  • Use of mobile phone while driving: 500 PLN
  • Failure to wear a seatbelt: 100 PLN
  • Illegal overtaking: 1000 PLN
  • Transporting children without appropriate safety equipment: 300 PLN
  • Driving without a valid driver's license: 1500 PLN
Payment of fines

Fines can be paid in the following ways:

On the spot: Cash or card, if the police have a terminal available.

Credit fine: Most common, to be paid within 7 days.

Remote fine: Sent to the driver's home, to be paid within 14 days if the driver was not present at the time of the offense, such as in the case of speed camera enforcement.

Appeals and penalties

If the driver does not accept the fine, the case can be brought to court, where the fines can either be confirmed or increased. The maximum fine that can be imposed by a court is 30,000 PLN, depending on the seriousness of the violation.

Knowing and following these rules is crucial to avoid penalties and to ensure road safety in Poland.


Healthcare and medical treatment

Covers costs for doctor visits, hospital care, medications, and any necessary medical evacuations. Don't forget to bring your European Health Insurance Card issued by the Social Insurance Agency in your country!

Accident insurance

Protects against costs related to accidents, including emergency care and long-term treatment.

Liability insurance

It protects you against legal costs and compensation claims if you cause damage to someone or someone else's property.

Travel insurance for specific activities

If you plan to participate in risky activities such as skiing, water sports, or hiking in remote areas, it may be wise to purchase additional insurance that covers these activities.


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